is known as a multicultural country which consists of hundreds ethnic group. Indonesia
also admits six legitimate religions which
are Islam, Christian, Catholic,
Hindu, Buddha, and Konghuchu. To unite all cultures,
religions and ethnic groups in Indonesia, we have a symbol of the country which
is called “Garuda Pancasila” with its slogan “Bhineka Tunggal Ika”. “Bhineka
Tunggal Ika” means Unity in Diversity. In my opinion, the practice of religious
freedom in Indonesia hasn’t work well yet. Most of Indonesian people are still
unaware of “Bhineka Tunggal Ika” slogan. There are a lot of religious conflicts
that happened in Indonesia because they don’t respect each other and they think
that their religion is the best. It would worsen the unity of Indonesian
people, because Indonesia is multireligion country, they have to respect other
religions. I think the responsibility to practice religious freedom in
Indonesia depends on every individual. Every person has to respect each other
to create a society that respects religious freedom. Every person has to
understand the importance of Pancasila. It is a must to engraft it deep in our
heart that although we are different, we have to be united. We are great
because we are united.
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