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Rabu, 24 April 2013

My view toward Teacher, Teaching and Education

          “Teacher”, what comes to your mind when you hear the word “Teacher”? Some people will say that teacher is someone who teaches some students in a classroom. Some might say that teacher is someone that is so smart so that s/he is teaching the others. Or some people say that teacher is a hero without any service medal. Those statements are no wrong, but I have my own definition about teacher. For me “teacher is the front-liner of educational conflicts”, sounds ferocious, isn’t it? Why I said that teacher is the front-liner of educational conflict? There are two reasons that underlying my statement above. I said conflict because education has conflict inside it, especially in Indonesia. The first conflict is in the department and ministry of education itself. As you hear in every channel of news, Indonesian education is now very chaotic, for example: The decreasing of quality in National Examination, the late delivery of National Examination question and answer sheet, curriculum that always changes, corruptions of BOS money, until the idea of omitting English from elementary school. There are so many chaos and conflicts and teacher is the front-liner of it. The second conflict is more general, it is the conflict between the students and the lesson they learn.
            In this post I will focus more on the second conflict which is the conflict between the students and the lesson they learn. As I said in my introduction, I view that teacher is the front-liner of educational conflicts. So as the front liner, teacher should mediate the conflict between students and the lesson they learn. Teaching is not merely about giving a stand in front of the class, speak loudly, delivering the material on the book, and punish everyone who messes up in the class. it is not what teacher should be, so I come up with my second own philosophy which is “teaching is mediating the conflict between the students and the lesson they learn”. What does it mean by that? In my opinion, there is a gap between students and the lesson. And that's the teacher duty as the front-liner of educational system to connect the gap between the students and the lesson.  I know that teaching is not as simple as I thought before. I used to think that teaching is standing in front of the class, asking question, discussing some materials or delivering the materials, but after I got the real experience in teaching real students I realize that teaching is carrying the bigger responsibility to mediate the gap between the students and the lesson. There are so many way in mediating the students and the lesson. It can be by using game, using song, video, AVAs to make our teaching more interesting. It needs teacher creativity or else the students will not be connected to the lesson and the teacher will fail to mediate them both. So what is your opinion? Is it hard to be a teacher? Not only a teacher, but the front-liner of educational system. If I may say being a teacher is difficult and carrying so many responsibilities to the country and also to the students. So if someone out there said that “teacher is a hero without any service medal”, that’s very true!


Menurutmu apa itu buku? Saya sering dengar dari teman2 kalau buku itu adalah jendela dunia. Ada juga yang mengatakan kalau buku adalah sumber inspirasi dan ilmu. Semua itu benar, memang begitulah buku, saya tidak bisa mendebat lagi. Sialnya, saya dari kecil jarang baca buku. Sekalinya punya buku, itu semua buku paket pelajaran2 dan buku lks yang isinya gak menarik dan malah sering bikin pusing dan mules bahkan mencret hahhahhaha. Buku2 yg ada di perpustakaan SD pun buluk2 dan kadang sudah terlepas dari jilid-annya dan berserakan kemana2. Jadi illfil dan tambah males deh pedekate sama buku. Mulai dari itulah sudut pandangku terhadap buku mulai skeptical. Memang dari kecil orang tuaku juga jarang beli buku, selain mungkin menurut mereka itu bukan kebutuhan primer dan jarang banget ada toko buku di dekat rumahku, mungkin juga karena minat baca orang tuaku dulu belum hebat, mereka masih terlalu sibuk bekerja sebagai pasangan muda yg baru berumah tangga dan punya anak super imut kayak aku heheheh (pose chibi2). Jadi ya begitulah, masa kecilku luput dari perhatian dan peran buku2 yg katanya jendela dunia.  Mulai masuk SMP aku mulai dekat dengan buku, sialnya lagi buku yg deket sama aku waktu itu kurang berkualitas. Cuma buku2 komik jepang yg aku pinjem dari persewaan buku deket sekolah macam dragon ball, doraemon, kobo chan, sinchan dan bahkan sempat salah pinjem komik goldenboy (ups, wakakakakka). Yah begitulah, fase hidupku ini sudah berhasil mengenalkan aku sama buku yang kurang berkualitas dan satu buku ‘jorok’, tapi it’s OK at least aku udah kenal dulu sama buku.  Masuk SMA aku masih gak pernah beli buku kecuali buku2 paket erlangga, yudhistira dan buku2 LKS yang kadang malah jadi lahan bisnis sampingan para guru. aku dapat asupan nutrisi buku dari pinjeman sepupuku yang mengkoleksi buku lupus (lagi2 buku ringan). Disaat anak2 normal seumuranku mulai baca buku2 berkualitas karya penulis2 keren yang aku gak apal nama2 mereka karena kebanyakan kayak nama2 alien dari planet ‘saiya’. (dragonball logic. Hihihihi. maklum, jarang baca buku berkualitas), aku masih baca lupus dan seneng banget waktu itu karena ceritanya lucu dan banyak tokoh2 yg aneh disitu, cocok bgt sama aku yg kebetulan punya muka yang aneh juga. Mulai dari situ aku mulai suka baca lupus yang kupinjam 2 buku setiap minggu dari sepupu ku itu (bahkan ada beberapa buku lupus yg lupa belum kukembaliin sampai sekarang, hahahaha). Yah, pathetic memang hidupku di masa muda, masa kini juga dink. Masa sekarang juga masih jarang beli buku, buat jajan aja susah! (makanku banyak soalnya) tapi kalo sekarang banyak teman yg suka buku2 berkualitas, jadi aku bisa pinjem deh. Pinjem sana pinjem sini dapat ilmu dan inspirasi. Kadang juga dapat tamparan di pipi karena buku2 mereka sering jadi kusut karena aku bacanya sambil tiduran di rak piring. (hahahaha, salah satu guyonan lupus yg masih kuingat sampai sekarang). Bahkan karena kubaca sambil tidur, kadang buku2 mereka sering kena cairan bening kental yang berbau tajam, iler. (moga2 mereka gak baca posting ini, kalaupun baca, sorry teman2 baru berani bilang sekarang kalo buku kalian sering kena iler. Aku takut ditampar pipi lagi. Peace!(hahahah)
Aku suka buku? Iya! Aku seneng baca buku? Iya! Suka beli buku? I..iy…. enggak! Hahahaha.. Tapi entah kenapa, buku2 buat thesisku kok tidak semenarik buku2 yang kupinjem dari teman ya? Mungkin aku memang suka membaca, but reading for pleasure. Reading academically? Hmmmm?? Mungkin belum dapat panggilan hati. Intinya adalah, buku itu sumber inspirasi dan kebijakan pola berfikir manusia. Jadi, selagi muda adik adikku bacalah buku! Jangan tiru aku, karena itu hanya dikerjakan oleh para professional yg terlatih!!!

Kamis, 18 April 2013

morning glory

that's all what I see
that's what I seek to be
is it a delusion or I have woken up from my reverie
this fraction of verve been haunting elongatedly
suffering sore as pale as hell, drowned utterly in a vicious agony
the sense of repeated misery come in me at your discretion like a mystery
force me to walk my ass off my delicateness numerously to the place I shouldn’t be
is it what is called divine decree?
I myself name it the excrement of  liquidity
mother hell as morning glory